Claude Lalanne (1925-2019), L’Homme à la tête de chou, 2005

Claude Lalanne (1925-2019), L’Homme à la tête de chou, 2005

Donation in payment of inheritance tax, 2021
Inv. 2021.102.8
© ADAGP, Paris / Les Arts Décoratifs / photo: Christophe Dellière

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n 1968, Claude designed the daring sculpture L’Homme à la tête de chou, an assemblage of a human body and a vegetable. This was not the first time she was using a body in her work, and she took up again this theme in a different way the following year in the sculpture Caroline enceinte.

L’Homme à la tête de chou (Man with a cabbage head) is one of Claude’s most popular sculptures. This seated man, whose head is made of a very realistic cabbage, was bought straight away by Serge Gainsbourg who got inspired by it for an album in 1976. He had the sculpture featured on an album cover. In 2005, Claude made a second copy, donated to the museum in 2021.

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