Legal notice


Les Arts Décoratifs
State-approved not-for-profit private organization
107 rue de Rivoli – 75001 Paris, France
Registered under no. RNA W751049058
And under no. SIRET 78810524500013
Director of publication  : Madame Sylvie Corréard, Chief Executive Officer

Webmaster and Social Media Manager

Anne-Cécile Lourenço, Social Media Manager - Webmaster
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SASU with share capital of €40,000
At village by CA, 10 place octogonale, 77700 CHESSY
Registered under no. SIRET 91895004900034
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Intellectual property

General structure of the website

The Musée des Arts Décoratifs website is the exclusive property of the Les Arts Décoratifs association. Any reproduction, total or partial representation, use, adaptation, provision or modification of its elements by any process whatsoever, by any means whatsoever without the express authorisation of Les Arts Décoratifs, any authors or their successors in title is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement within the meaning of the Intellectual Property Code.

Website content

  • Copyright

The content published on the Musée des Arts Décoratifs website is protected by intellectual property law, and in particular by articles L.112-2 et seq. and L.341-1 of the French Intellectual Property Code. Consequently, any use by any process whatsoever, by any person or by any means whatsoever without the prior authorisation of Arts Décoratifs and any authors or beneficiaries, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by the Intellectual Property Code, with the exception of the cases provided for in article L.122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code.

In accordance with the Intellectual Property Code, works in the ADAGP repertoire may not be re-used without the express authorisation of ADAGP.

Any authorised use of the content must mention the title of the work, the name of its author and its place of conservation/deposit in respect of the author’s moral rights.

  • Trademark law

The Musée des Arts Décoratifs and Arts Décoratifs trademarks and logos appearing on the Musée des Arts Décoratifs website are registered as trademarks and are therefore protected by industrial property law. Any total or partial reproduction of these elements without the express authorisation of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement within the meaning of the French Intellectual Property Code.


According to the Law dated March 11, 1957 (Article 41) and to the code of intellectual property dated July 1, 1992, the copying of all or part of this Web site for public or commercial purposes and without the MAD’s express permission is strictly forbidden. Besides, users may not modify, publish, translate, transmit, transfer data to any other third party, create derivative works or, in any way, exploit any of the content in whole or in part of the Web site without the MAD’s express permission.

Entire contents copyright © MAD Paris, 2018. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this publication in any form without prior written permission is forbidden. The MAD is a trademark.


Subject to the authorisation of Arts Décoratifs , the use of the contents of the site may be accompanied by the photographic credit mentioned on the website of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs.

Commercial use

Any commercial use of the contents of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs website must be the subject of a request for authorisation to the photo library department, sent by e-mail to the following address:

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