This church-like gallery contains a series of altarpieces dating from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century.

This church-like gallery contains a series of altarpieces dating from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century. Single or multiple panels (polyptychs) present various cycles of images, including the Virgin and Child by Antonio de Carro, the Altarpiece of St John the Baptist by Luis Borrassá (the principal Spanish representative of International Gothic) and the altar painting by Vicino da Ferrara. French art is represented by two altarpieces: the Lescure altarpiece and that of the Passion of Christ, dated 1522.

The display is supplemented by altarpiece figures and individual statues by German, Italian, Spanish and French Late Gothic artists. The display cases contain numerous fragments dating from the second half of the fifteenth century to the late sixteenth century.

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